Welcome to Victory!

We’re thrilled that you’ve decided to get to know us! Before you tour our site, we’d like to share a few things—from our heart to yours. We are a generation of believers gathered for one common purpose to seek the heart of God. You see, Victory’s foundation is built on Jesus Christ. Everything we say, do, believe, and promote is centered on Him.
The example of Jesus—loving our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:36–40)—is ingrained in our Church. Victory is a place where people from all walks of life, regardless of where they’re at in their spiritual journey, are valued and find God’s redeeming love. We are an authentic community that values openness, honesty, and relationships. Victory is committed to breaking the cycle of “church as usual.” 
When you step in the door at Victory, you will find a young church greeting you with warm smiles, vibrant worship, and relatable teaching from God’s Word that will transform your life.  I hope to see you at Victory.

Our Mission

Sharing Christ in Urban Neighborhoods and Developing Disciples


Core Values

1. Bringing – Evangelism: Leading all people to Victory in Christ!
2. Belonging – Fellowship: Love, encourage, and edify one another.
3. Building – Discipleship: Equipping all people to a Gospel-centered life!
4. Blessing – Community: Nurturing and meeting the needs of the community with excellence. 

Our Calling

At Victory it is our belief that we have been called to be a generation of believers gathered for one common purpose to seek the heart of God. God’s Word is our ultimate authority. We aim to use it as a manual for life. We prayerfully will dedicate teaching it creatively and with relevance to all.

Our calling is to be servants at Victory to all and never aim to be self-center stars. In that frame of mind, Victory must always be a place where everyone feels at home. We seek to challenge and walk aside all members in taking the initiative to grow in Biblical wisdom and intimacy with Christ. Victory desires to see all members equipped, empowered and engaged in the victorious transformation in the world.
Victory is called to be a lighthouse where all ethnic groups are welcomed and embraced. Where diversity is practiced and embraced.
We are called Victory!

Leadership Team

Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.



Pastor Mark J Murrell, Sr. Senior Pastor

Pastor Mark has a passion for helping others understand God’s word through relevant and relatable teaching and preaching of Scripture. He is the founding Pastor of Victory Baptist Church. He previously served at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church for eleven years as minster over the Youth, Vacation bible school and Outreach. He and his wife have two children. Mark is also an attorney for the past four year in which he helps serve our DFW community.


  What we believe: Please download our full doctrinal statement.